Code of Ethics
to act responsibly
EEquity, integrity, transparency, protection of people and communities, these are the key principles that must guide all our daily actions.
It is only in the respect and sharing of these principles that we think we can make our company even more successful. Together.
Giulia Lombardi
Ceo Ital G.E.T.E.

As a company, as a community and as a person, we have a duty to act with full respect for human rights and the rules that protect them.

Work, legality, fairness and transparency are the core values we adopt as we strive towards to continuous economic and social improvement.

Each and everyone of us is called upon to act responsibly and consciously, in accordance with the values that the Company endorses at a day-to-day level.

Every action is a choice. What we do defines what we are, in life, in society, at work.
Do you want to know more?
Do you need further information?
Are you unsure how to interpret certain indications contained in the code of ethics?
Do you want to make enquiries or report something?
Write to info@italgete.it, oor send your enquiry to the attention of Senior Management.
Via Strada per Caselle, 16
20081 Morimondo (MI)