Smalto nitroacrilico per elettrodomestici

Il nostro punto di partenza sono i pigmenti: eccezionalmente pregiati, senza piombo e resistenti alla luce e agli agenti atmosferici. Attraverso processi altamente tecnologici, creiamo smalti, pitture e vernici in grado di mantenere brillantezza e tonalità inalterati nel tempo. Smalto lucido a base nitro acrilica per la decorazione di superfici interne ed esterne, specifico per elettrodomestici...

Painting for rims

Our starting point are raw materials: carefully selected from the main producers, through highly technological processes, we create enamels, paints and varnishes able to retain shine, durability and tone over time. 

Acrylic nitro based paint for the decoration of internal and external surfaces. Indicated for renewing, beautifying and protecting wheel rims from wear and tear rims...

Acrylic nitro enamel car

Our starting point are raw materials: carefully selected from the main producers, through highly technological processes, we create enamels, paints and varnishes able to retain shine, durability and tone over time. Acrylic nitro enamel car

Nitro-based gloss enamel for car, motorcycle, motorcycle and bicycle touch-up and decoration and protection of interior and exterior surfaces. Available in pastel...

Enamel for marine engines

Our starting point are raw materials: carefully selected from the main producers, through highly technological processes, we create enamels, paints and varnishes able to retain shine, durability and tone over time. Professional polished nitro-based enamel for marine engine bodies and for the protection and decoration of interior and exterior surfaces. Available in the colors of marine...