Making the right choices and ensuring the highest quality of environmental
protection is a mission for ITAL G.E.T.E. A mission that has once again received
international certification for quality of production processes and product standards (ISO 9001) and environmental certification for the same (ISO 14001).
ISO 9001:2015 certification specifies the requirements for the creation and
development of a quality management system; ISO 14001 is the international
standard that specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system.
Since 2005 ITAL G.E.T.E. has been rewarded for respecting the international rules that define procedures, propriety in the production of aerosol spray paints, and virtuous choices aimed at reducing the environmental impact, all at the service of the community.
Today, in 2020, the company continues to evolve and innovate in such a way that its growth complies fully with the rules. It abides strictly by its code of ethics on the back of its institutional certifications, and remains faithful to an approach to development and research whose aim is to optimise production processes, reduce CO2 emissions, the use of paper, energy and water, and create products that are entirely recyclable.